Kit is 20 years old from New York, NY, USA. She studies Communications and Media Studies. Kit will cover anything with chocolate and loves walking through Camden Market to discover new food stands and fashion inspiration.
Dinara is 20 years old from Astana, Kazakhstan. She is afraid of butterflies but loves pancakes and her favorite place in London is Kings Cross because it reminds her of the magic of the city.
Tess is 20 years old from Raleigh, NC, USA. She considers herself a cheese fries connoisseur and enjoys strolling through Hyde Park on a sunny afternoon.
Morten is 25 years old from Denmark. He studies Journalism. Morten's favorite place in London is Hyde Park. With the beautiful statues and open grass areas, the park provides Morten with a break from the busy streets of London.
Nina is a 20 year old Franco-Montenegrian who grew up between Paris and Belgrade, Serbia. She studies Political Science. Nina loves sports, animals, Arts, photography, and is environmentally friendly.
Signe is 25 years old from Copenhagen, Denmark. She is a Journalism major spending one semester in London. Her favourite places is London are Pineapple dance studio and London's parks on sunny days.